
Awaken your body’s
innate healing potential with integrative
therapeutic massage
and pain management therapy.

Healing as a Journey

Life and its many challenges continuously creates tension in our minds, bodies and spirits. The resulting stress often manifests itself as various chronic and acute conditions. At Lighthouse Wellness Centers we believe the process of healing, experiencing life from a place of greater health and well-being, to be a lifelong journey. Healing has become our mission in life, to continue our own healing and to be a light for others on their healing journey. Within each of us is a magnificent, intelligent system seeking to recover from life’s traumas to restore our natural state of harmony and balance. When we support this innate ability to heal, we empower the body to make changes from within, often leading to profound shifts that hold great meaning in our lives. Illuminate your light within.

Lighthouse Wellness Centers, LLC

Contact Information
Email: Massagebysusan@gmail.com
Cell: (816) 694-1793
Address: 106 W Mason Street, Odessa, MO 64076